Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
Our classes are as follows:
Swans Class: Mrs Cousins (Phase Leader and Class teacher), Mr Sheppard, Miss Smith and Mrs Smith (TAs)
Woodpeckers Class: Mrs O'Leary (Class teacher), Mrs Emans and Mrs McGuire (TAs)
Topic: In this half-term, Year 1 will look at the following key questions:
Key question 1: What is my favourite toy?
Key question 2: Are my toys the same as my parents' toys?
Key question 3: Are my toys the same as my grandparents' toys?
Key question 4: Why have toys changed?
Key question 5: What will toys look like in the future?
Please read with your child as often as possible at home and record in their home school book which is checked at least twice a week. Termly rewards will be provided for the students who continuously read and record it.
Year 1’s PE slots are as follows:
Tuesday Afternoon and Thursday Afternoon.
Please wear your Knights Enham PE kit into school on these days. You will need a purple school jumper/cardigan on over the top through the winter, and please try to wear suitable footwear.
Please do speak to us if you have any queries or concerns.
The Year 1 team