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At Knights Enham Schools we provide… 

Inclusive and ambitious learning experiences where our school community feels safe and motivated to achieve their best.

'Together We Achieve' 

Knights Enham Schools has a Full Governing Body who meet half-termly, 

 The overall purpose of the Governing Body is:

  •  To raise standards of achievement for all children within the school.
  • To provide overall strategic direction for the school, working alongside the Leadership Team.
  • To act as a critical friend to the Headteacher and Leadership Team, and to ensure accountability for the performance of the schools within the school to stakeholders.

Welcome from the Chair of Governors - Mrs Louise Maratos

The governing body bring strategic direction and leadership to the school and will support the staff in delivering the very best education for your children. As Chair of the Governing Body, I wanted to write on behalf of all the governors to let you know our intentions.

We are excited about the new academic year ahead, and will bring stability, support and challenge to the school. Our initial focus will be developing and supporting a new school vision with children, parents/carers, staff and our wider community. We will be contacting you in the Autumn Term to share more about this with you.

We will also be driving school improvement, and ensuring children’s learning and success is at the heart of everything we do. We also want to lead the development of a closer partnership between both the Infant and Junior school for the benefit of all children and families at both schools and to continue to develop our existing strong links with our local secondary schools.

There will be an opportunity for you to meet governors throughout the year, and we will also be sharing regular updates with you. The website will also be updated with more information about our governors.

We extend a warm welcome to all our new Year 3 families, starting in September, and wish every success to all our Year 6 children moving on to secondary school. We would also like to thank you for all of your support and continued faith in the school.

Mrs L Maratos

Please see our policies for more information.  

Safeguarding Governor - Ruth Gill