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Pupil Voice

At Knights Enham Schools we provide… 

Inclusive and ambitious learning experiences where our school community feels safe and motivated to achieve their best.

'Together We Achieve'

School Council

Our school council is a vital part of school life and provides all children with an opportunity to share their ideas about improving and developing the school.

School council elections take part later in the term. Pupils will need to write a manifesto to share with their class, thinking carefully about what they would do if elected. After all the manifestos are shared, a vote will be undertaken and two pupils from each class will be elected. 


Our Eco-Warriors are pupils in Year 5 who have an active role in school. They raise our awareness about sustainability and encourage everyone to be good at recycling and saving energy. We encourage good habits for the future.

They actively promote:-


  • Paper and card
  • Batteries
  • Textiles
  • Printer cartridges
  • Food

Saving energy:

  • Switching off lights
  • Switching off ICT equipment, rather than leaving it on standby
  • Closing doors to keep heat in

Conserving energy:

  • Water saving push top taps
  • Taking care of our equipment so that it lasts well
  • Using resources in a way that minimises waste

Care for the environment

  • Encourage walking rather that using cars to travel to school.
  • Using litter bins to keep our school and local area clean
  • Designing our raised beds and Forest School tree area to be rich habitats
  • As a school we try to use local suppliers to reduce our carbon footprint.

Road Safety Officers (JRSO) 

Our two Junior Road Safety Officers in Year 6 aim to promote road safety issues within the school and the local community. 

In the Autumn Term, our JRSOs promoted the scheme 'Be Bright Be Seen', they delivered assemblies and organised competitions. 

Throughout the year, the JRSOs promote the WOW challenge. The WOW challenge rewards children who travel actively to school with collectable badges. The badges are unique and designed by the pupils themselves.