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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Dover Class

Our classes are as follows:


Dover Class: Miss Rigby (Class teacher), Miss Moss (TA), and Mrs Cassidy (TA)             



Home Learning:  

All Students will receive weekly home learning sheets, which we encourage this to be completed to support their learning.


Please read with your child as often as possible at home and record in their home school book which is checked daily. Half-Termly rewards will be provided for the students who continuously read and record it.


Children will receive a weekly list of spellings or phonic based task to learn at home. These will be sent home every Thursday, and then checked in school the following week.


Year 3’s P.E times are as follows:

Monday (Personal Best) and Friday.                                       

We will be continuing with the daily run or movement activities, so please ensure that your child has suitable footwear to participate every day. PE kits (Purple tops/Black shorts or bottoms/Purple jumper or cardigan) to be worn into school on P.E days.

Please do speak to us if you have any queries or concerns.

The Year 3 Team